Friday, February 27, 2009

Course Reflection

I feel like I am back in university again! As much as I hate 'having' to do work, it really has been an enjoyable course. I've gone from coming into this class wondering if I can even learn this stuff or will I ever want to use it to spending hours learning the little things about blogging because I wanted to. I still have the same concern as I had in the beginning, such as I only want to use technology when it adds something relevant to the lesson and not for the sake of adding technology. After taking the course I feel better equipped to make those informed decisions.

In the beginning I said I wanted to use this course to learn new technologies and to see if I can apply it to make changes in the world. I have found areas whereby I can implement this with my environment class for enhanced and useful learning that will not only help their learning, but make a difference in the world and have effects reaching way beyond the classroom. I am nervous about how effective I will be as a teacher, but very excited to give it a try and let the potential unfold. ... Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear this:

    I still have the same concern as I had in the beginning, such as I only want to use technology when it adds something relevant to the lesson and not for the sake of adding technology. After taking the course I feel better equipped to make those informed decisions.

    This is exactly what we hoped you would get out of the course!

    It's so great to see how flexible and willing to try new things you are!
