Monday, November 15, 2010

Eco Survey

Thank you for helping me with this survey.

I need people to take my behavioral survey and attitude survey. I just need synergy students to answer the questions honestly (don't say what you think I want to hear; just be honest). This will be the pre-test and in about 3-4 months I will ask you to take it again for the post-test.

Part 1: Pre-test. Please do both by clicking on the link.
  • Behavioral survey (Eco Footprint). Please copy and paste the survey in a word document, complete the survey, and email it back to
  • Attitudinal survey. There are 3 groups. Please read to make sure you chose the correct group depending on your experience.
Group 1: Those who have never taken the Environmental Stewardship class before.
Group 2: I have taken the Environmental Stewardship class in the last year or less.
Group 3: I have taken the Environmental Stewardship class more than 1 year ago.

Part II: Post Test. This will take place in February.

Thank you for your help.