Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How relevant are the NETs for Teachers and Administrators to being a "Good Educator" today?

I certainly agree that education is changing and we need to keep up with the times and technology has to be embraced because it will move forward regardless of how we personally feel about it.

The Nets have some really useful skills they want students to learn such as those below:

The new NETS-A emphasizes educational administrators' abilities to facilitate systematic growth in the following categories:
-- Visionary leadership
-- Digital-age learning culture
-- Excellence in professional practice
-- Systemic improvement
-- Digital citizenship

Although I feel these are 5 very useful areas to learn, I am not sure how important the NETS are. I am not saying that NETS are unimportant, but before taking this course I haven’t even heard of NETS. So to me it is not important, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important on another level. Perhaps administrators have used NETS for a long time, thus it would be important to use NETS to keep up with the changing times.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is part of the issue. That you have never heard of the NETs and probably your administrators have never heard of them either. Why is that? Who's job is it to make sure these new standards for admin, teachers, and students are implemented into a school? If you are a school that believes that technology can improve learning, and you expect your teachers to use technology, it would only make sense that you have some standards to evaluate teachers using the tools in the classroom. As a board or head of school could use the same to evaluate a head of school or principals. The NETs aren't new, they've been around for a good 15 years now...that many educators haven't heard of them I think tells us were we are in the adoption of technology into education.
