Monday, September 21, 2009

Story of Stuff

I will use this picture in the my environment class when we do a unit on the power of consumerism. My instructions to the students might go something like this:

  • Look at the picture and what immediately comes to mind.
  • Look at the items, are they similar?
  • What the deal with the shopping cart and the trash can?
  • Can you think of items you bought that are now in the trash?
  • Is this type of behavior sustainable?
  • What are the impacts? - Depleting resources, more waste, consumer society, etc
  • Are you are part of the problem or solution?
  • What can you do to move towards the side of 'solution'?
I would follow up by showing the whole movie (taster below). I also have a follow up activity that tracks how much they consume/use in a day and how far it travels.

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