Monday, November 15, 2010

Eco Survey

Thank you for helping me with this survey.

I need people to take my behavioral survey and attitude survey. I just need synergy students to answer the questions honestly (don't say what you think I want to hear; just be honest). This will be the pre-test and in about 3-4 months I will ask you to take it again for the post-test.

Part 1: Pre-test. Please do both by clicking on the link.
  • Behavioral survey (Eco Footprint). Please copy and paste the survey in a word document, complete the survey, and email it back to
  • Attitudinal survey. There are 3 groups. Please read to make sure you chose the correct group depending on your experience.
Group 1: Those who have never taken the Environmental Stewardship class before.
Group 2: I have taken the Environmental Stewardship class in the last year or less.
Group 3: I have taken the Environmental Stewardship class more than 1 year ago.

Part II: Post Test. This will take place in February.

Thank you for your help.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Meatless Mondays

September 13th, 2010 ISB will host a Meatless Monday. Could this be the start of something more permanent?

Check out these films.


Food Matters

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Week

Earth Week is from April 26-30. We will have different events each and every day as well as special guests. Hope you will participate. Check out the events below.

If you would like to volunteer to help out. Please click here.

Earth Day at ISB

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. At ISB we celebrated it by looking at what we have accomplished over the past 5 years. Please check out this video to see what changes have been made at ISB... many of them by students.

This video shows what students are doing for the environment or what they will do during Earth Week (April 26-30)

Also today 3 students (Katie, Eng and Oliva) went on Spanish radio to talk about the environment. This was broadcast in Spain, USA, and South American countries.

Congratulations ISB for taking steps towards a greener school.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ready to Launch 3... 2... 1...

Our project is ready to be launched out into space... cyberspace that is.

Andy and I have put together a PE unit we are very proud of. It was really fun doing this unit with the 7th grade students and enjoying their work and their pride in their culture.

The unit is MULTI-CULTURAL GAMES. It is great because students get to learn about their own culture and the culture of others, they gain organizational and teaching skills, and they incorporate technology throughout.

Students did all the research, put together their lesson, taught it to their class and posted it all up on their blog. We took the best of the best and made a wiki for the world to use. It includes the game, country, rules, history, a video, and the student's reflection.

Our hope is that PE teachers and students around the world will use our games in their schools to teach about other cultures. We also hope others from every corner of the globe will contribute themselves by doing a similar project and having their students post their work on this wiki.

We hope you have as much fun with these games as we did!


Setting up the Multi-Cultural Games Wiki

My colleague, Andy V., and I decided to expand our multi-cultural games unit to make it even cooler than it already was (which was pretty cool to begin with). The basics were the same; students do a little research on the history, rules, how the game might relate to that time or that culture, etc. Then students share this game by teaching it to the others in the class. Only this time we wanted to go beyond our class and share it with the world. All students were expected to then video their lesson, edit the video and put everything up on their blog. In the end we compiled nearly 100 games.

From what I recall, all the games were great and about 95% of students did a great job of being prepared and teaching it well. Since blogging was new to many of the students there were some things missing, but overall we were very happy with the results.

We then asked about 15 of the best groups to volunteer to meet with us once after school and transfer their work from their blog to our new wiki for multi - cultural games. More than half showed up. The lesson is in the video below.

Overall, I am very pleased with the lesson and was amazed at how smooth it was. The kids were switched on and with the exception of a few glitches of getting used to a new program (Wikispaces), it was pretty easy to figure out.

Stay tuned for the actual site itself... coming up!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Facebook in the classroom

I'm sure you all experienced having students using computers in class and many of them are sometimes off task and on Facebook. Last week I actually encouraged my students to go to Facebook. We have started a project to ban plastic bag around Thailand. At the moment we have over 7000 members on Facebook. That Saturday we were hosting our first event, V-Day, to ban plastic bags. Villa supermarket agreed to ban all plastic bags from Feb 20th onward. Students were helping me with this project from the beginning and in class they went to Facebook and invited all their friends to attend, changed their status to promote V-Day and also contributed to the Ban Plastic Bags wall. It actually helped because I noticed numbers went up a significant amount that night.

Our goal was to have at least 500 supporters show up and shop. In the end we had 1397 supporters, almost tripling our goal. This method of consumers helping business make change is from a new organization called Carrotmob. I recently started the 1st Carrotmob in Asia. We are the Bangkok Carrotmob. The event was a huge success. Villa has now banned the bags, the owner wants to expand the project, students were highly involved in the process and technology was used throughout in the form of social networking and blogs.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Phones in PE

You won't believe this but I actually started writing this blog during my PE class. Sounds like I am not doing my job, but I am. Kids all have cell phones here, and we constantly tell them not to bring it to PE. Well, today I told them to get their phones because we need the camera on the phone. We are doing photo orienteering. I just put the kids into teams of 3 with a map, phone/camera, photo cards and other needed orienteering materials. They are in a race to find different locations around the campus that are all outlined on their map. Once there they have to take a photo that matches the photo on their photo card.
As I speak groups are racing past me frantically looking for a mark in this area. This is a part of the Outdoor Ed course that we are developing for grade 7. There isn't a technology focus, but in this case it fits nicely.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Big Prez

Ok, so this is not the assignment I am supposed to do, but it certainly is integrating technology and making a difference in the world (even if it is within guarded walls at the moment).

This is a presentation I gave today in the Chevron theater to inform people about my cause of banning plastic bags in Thailand. Surprisingly the theater was full, so 500+ I think. The presentation explains in 5 chapters what we are trying to accomplish. I don't want to give anymore away, but I think it is certainly worth watching. Since this is a Tech class, those of you who like the presentation technology can find it at PREZI.